Friday, January 10, 2014

Help! I Need A Tune Up

by Kimberly Ann

It’s a New Year and I’m always intrigued by what people’s New Year Resolutions are.  The most over used resolution is ‘I’m going to get in shape and take better care of myself’. Or, ‘I’m giving up chocolate’ or even worse, ‘I’m giving up wine’! Why?? Why do we make resolutions we have no intentions of keeping?  Some seem flat out impossible.  A woman on the radio said she was going to cook a different meal every day for a year! Now there’s a resolution that requires some work!  She mentioned she had the same resolution last year and made it into April...not bad.  

Anyways, I’ve decided that NO, I’m not going to take better care of myself because I try to do that anyways. However, this year my resolution is to take better care of my CAR!  My poor, abused, neglected Audi needs some TLC!  I am embarrassed to say, being in the car industry, that I totally procrastinate when it comes to taking care of my own car.  I easily go a few thousand miles over my routine oil changes, I’m probably 9 months behind on the required ‘Service’, my tire pressure light is on at all times and my coolant level light is now on! My kids told me I need a new car…I guess all the warning lights are freaking them out!

So, I decided to make myself feel REALLY bad and look up a few things that could hurt our cars (and our wallet) if overlooked: 

BRAKES:  Yes, if they feel funny, are making an odd sound (finger nails on chalkboard) this is something you need to look into pretty quickly.  It’s much more costly if you ignore the warning signals your brakes show in the early stages, i.e. Needing Pads vs. Pads and Rotors.  This coming from experience.

TUNE UPS and OIL CHANGES: Suggestion – reading your owner’s manual could save you time and $$.  You may think you need an oil change every three thousand miles, but you may only need one every 5,000 miles, or even 15,000 miles.  You may not need an air filter or your valves adjusted, this could all be a part of your scheduled, big maintenances (60,000 miles, 100,000 miles)… which are detailed in your owner's manual. (note to self)

TIRES:- It is true that tires not properly inflated cost you more gas.  Checking your tire pressure periodically, OR in my case when your tire pressure light comes on, can help your car ride better and get you a few more miles out of the gas tank.

So, it's confirmed…My car deserves a better owner!  But I'm getting my owner's manual out now!  

Here's to a great 2014!


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